Sunday, August 3, 2008

Fluoride: "in virtually all non-organic foods and beverages"

Fluoride's Impact On The Brain - Focus Of Two Conferences

“It is hard to believe that any "weight of evidence" analysis could possibly dismiss fluoride's neurological impacts. There have now been over 40 animal studies which show that fluoride can damage the brain, and no less than 18 studies which show that fluoride lowers IQ in children, and only 2 that don't. I look forward to reading the full report when it is made available,” says Paul Connett, PhD, FAN Executive Director.

According to ISFR conference organizer, Dr. Hardy Limeback, “Our conference features experts who researched the dangers that fluoride poses to human health. Our keynote speaker, Dr. A.K. Susheela, (Executive Director, Fluorosis Research and Rural Development Foundation, India) probably knows more about fluoride's toxic effects to the body than any other living scientist. It is important that officials who promote water fluoridation hear what she and others have to say," says Limeback.

"The best way to lower children’s fluoride intake, as Health Canada suggests, is to stop fluoridation," says Connett. "It makes no sense to prescribe fluoride drugs to children via the water supply at levels which are between 150 and 250 times higher than the level in mothers’ milk.”
For details on both conferences go to
For the CSE/FAN public events go to
SOURCE: Fluoride Action Network http://www.FluorideAction.Net

Code: S7
Description: (S7) Dangerous Poison
Comments: Substances with a high potential for causing harm at low exposure and which require special precautions during manufacture, handling for use.

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